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Adult Social Care

Assessment, Person Centred Plans and Person Centred Reviews

Carer’s Assessment

If the person you care for is being assessed or reviewed by Adult Social Care, or by Children’s Services because he or she is a disabled child, you also have a right to have an assessment of your needs as a carer as part of the assessment or review of the person you care for.

Under the Care Act 2014, you have a right to a Carer’s Assessment ‘on appearance of need’. If you choose to have a Carer’s Assessment, this should take place alongside the Care and Support Needs Assessment of the person you care for. You are entitled to a Carer’s Assessment even if the person you care for refuses an assessment or the provision of support.

Your rights to assessment are explained fully in the Helping Carers to Care leaflet:

Assessment of the person you care for

The Learning Disability Service will carry out an assessment in order to find out what support the person that you care for requires, and what help we can provide. This means we will work with you and the person that you care for to see how we can best meet their needs.

Planning for the future

You may like to consider plans for the future care of the person you care for, either as part of their assessment, or as part of your carer’s assessment. If you would like to do this, please speak to the person carrying out the assessment.

Person Centred Plans

Person Centred Planning is a way for people with a learning disability to make changes in their lives. It is about their hopes and dreams for the future. They should be at the centre of planning their lives and should choose who helps them plan.

Person Centred Reviews

A Person Centred Review is a way of checking that the life of a person with a learning disability is moving in the right direction. The Learning Disability Service is trying to help people who carry out reviews to do them in a way that involves the person as much as possible.

Reviews will look at a person’s whole life rather than the relationship between themselves and a particular service.

They are also a chance for everyone in the support circle to learn about and work towards what the person wants.

It is the opportunity for all the important people in someone's life to tell us what they think is working or not working and help the person build an action plan to get what they want.