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Benefits for Carers

Every year billions of pounds of welfare benefits and tax credits go unclaimed, including up to £3½ billion of Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit. You may be entitled to more money than you are currently receiving. You can find out by contacting these organisations:

Age UK

If you are over fifty, you can contact Age UK in Darlington on 01325 357345.

Citizens Advice Bureau

At Darlington Citizens Advice Bureau, you can get general advice on a range of problems and referral (if appropriate) to specialists for advice on money, welfare benefits and employment issues.

Carers can make an appointment with a welfare rights worker from the Citizens Advice Bureau via Darlington Association on Disability on 01325 489999. To make an appointment directly with the Citizens Advice Bureau, telephone 01325 256999.

For more information you can visit the Citizens Advice Bureau website [external link]