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Useful Information

On this page you will find leaflets with information specific to carers and links to other services, both locally and nationally, which may be able to offer you help, advice and support.


1. Local Websites and Telephone Numbers

Darlington Carers Support
Telephone: 0300 0301215
Darlington Carers Support Website

Darlington Association on Disability
Telephone: 01325 489999
D.A.D Website

Darlington Borough Council - Social Care
Telephone: 01325 406111
Darlington Borough Council Website

Darlington Citizens Advice Bureau
Telephone: 01325 256999
C.A.B Website


2. National Websites

Carers Trust
Carers Trust Website

Counselling Directory
Counselling Directory Website

Department for Work and Pensions
DWP Website

Down's Syndrome Association
Down's Syndrome Associate Website

GOV.UK Website

MENCAP Website

NHS Choices
NHS Choices Website

For further information on support available see the Contacts page