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Putting People First

Putting People First is all about making sure someone who needs support from Adult Social Care is at the centre of the process and decides what is best for them and their needs.

Putting People First

It is a way of making sure people have as much choice and control as possible over what support they receive, when and from whom.


Once an assessment has taken place, people will be given a personal budget so they can decide for themselves what support to buy to meet their needs, rather than Adult Social Care putting a package of care in place for them.


This is similar to Direct Payments, which some people already receive. Direct Payments means that instead of Social Care arranging a service for you, you are given the money to pay for the support you have been assessed as needing. You can have help to do this if you want.

Direct payment

You can decide if you want to handle your own support, or if you want someone else to do this for you. This could be someone at the Council, another organisation, a member of your family or another person you trust.


For people who are not entitled to an assessment and services, there will be more information available to them from Adult Social Care about the range or support available in the community and to buy.
